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Resident Handbook

If you live in one of the apartment communities we manage, this section of our website is just for you.

If your apartment needs repair, contact your property manager right away. Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality maintenance service.

When you call Home Forward requesting maintenance, we will respond as soon as possible. If an adult will not be home during the service appointment, we will need clear permission to enter your apartment. We will leave a card showing the time the staff member was there, and what work was done. If a return visit is needed, the card will also explain what work remains and the date of your next appointment. If you have any questions about maintenance at your apartment, contact your property manager. 

If you live at a property that Home Forward manages, you can also fill out a Maintenance and Repair Request form on your property page

Fir Acres

Maintenance Charges

If you or your guests cause any damage, Home Forward may charge you for the repair. The Maintenance Charges Table shows the most common types of work. For other repairs, charges will reflect current material costs and the time required to perform repairs. If you disagree with a charges, you should submit a written appeal within 14 days of receiving the bill.

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For Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Somali, and Arabic, this site uses Google Translate. Please contact us if any information provided in your language is incorrect or unclear. Vital forms are all translated by a specialized service. Read our Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan here.